An entity to coordinate the national ERI actors

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The global push towards ORD is revolutionizing the scientific landscape by bridging gaps in science, technology, and innovation.

It plays a key role in making the most of the exciting possibilities that data brings to the future of research. If data is the new oil, having the right infrastructure to access and distribute it where it matters most becomes crucial.

The ecosystem of digital infrastructure on which ORD practices rely often lacks clarity and structure, making it difficult to navigate. Switzerland is no exception; progress towards ORD has been somewhat fragmented. With a strategically organized system, one could sail through information more efficiently than ever.

Recognizing that these matters are vital for Switzerland’s scientific edge and require a unified effort, the ETH Domain, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the SNSF, and swissuniversities joined forces to tackle these challenges together. This collaboration gave rise to the ORD Strategy Council.

The StraCo is composed of 8 senior officeholders of these partner institutions.

Its goal is to provide researchers in Switzerland with world-class ORD infrastructures and services, facilitating collaboration with both domestic and global networks. As a political instrument, the StraCo is also responsible for shaping a strategic vision for ORD and fostering coordination among education, research, and innovation (ERI) stakeholders.


JAN 2020
JUL 2021
JAN 2022
SEP 2022
JAN 2023
SEP 2023
JAN 2024
FEB 2024
JULY 2024

January 2020

The State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI) recognizes the need for a strategic and unified approach for ORD and digital infrastructures, tasking swissuniversities with developing a Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy and Action Plan.

July 2021

The ETH Domain, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the SNSF and swissuniversities jointly release the Swiss National ORD Strategy, offering a framework for ORD advancement in Switzerland and for the governance of infrastructures and services supporting researchers.

January 2022

The National ORD Action Plan is published, embodying the principles of “Different actors, different actions, same goals”, with each partner institution being responsible for selected action lines. The National ORD Strategy Council (StraCo) is formed to lead its implementation.

The StraCo meets for the first time. This new high-level entity is composed of senior officeholders from partner institutions. A Coordination Group (CoG) is set up to support its work.

September 2022

The first Task Force is launched to investigate the ORD landscape within the Health and Life Science cluster and provide the basis for StraCo to develop strategic options aimed at advancing ORD within each specific cluster.

January 2023

The Sounding Board Researchers meets for the first time. Its role is to facilitate the deliberations and decisions of the StraCo by acknowledging and accommodating the needs and experiences of experts.

September 2023

The Sounding Board Service Providers meets for the first time. Its role is to facilitate the deliberations and decisions of the StraCo by providing expertise and bringing together specialists from service providers involved in the operational implementation and provision of ORD services.

January 2024

The Task Force of Cluster 2 “Social Sciences and Humanities” meets for the first time.

February 2024

The Task Force of Cluster 1 “Health and Life Science Data” publishes its final report (updated in July 2024), which serves as a basis for the StraCo to formulate strategic options for the development of the cluster.

July 2024

The Task Force of Cluster 1 “Health and Life Science Data” publishes an update of its final report (first published in February 2024), following feedback from stakeholders.

A Working Group uses this material to develop strategic orientations for the development of the cluster (the “HLS Blueprint”).

The cluster approach

The StraCo’s overarching objective is to provide researchers in Switzerland with the best possible ORD infrastructure and services, enabling seamless collaboration with both domestic and global research networks.

To achieve this, landscape analyses are deemed essential for assessing the current state of researcher support and identifying areas for enhancement and process optimization.

The ORD services and infrastructures ecosystem is too complex and multi-layered to be used as a starting point to identify areas requiring action. Instead, the approach involves singling out specific clusters within this ecosystem for in-depth landscape analyses, enabling the translation of findings into strategic decisions that align with the StraCo’s mission.

A cluster is a thematic domain or disciplinary area where:

  • a concentration of related ORD initiatives exists, or otherwise domains with a highly dynamic ORD development;
  • multiple actors, both national and international, are operating (national and international);
  • strategic coordination is needed and/or desired;
  • infrastructures of “foremost national relevance” are likely to exist.

The StraCo has currently prioritized three clusters:

  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Data Science, as a transversal cluster.
  • Dedicated Task Forces are assembled to gather strategic analyses and assess needs in each cluster, using a standardized methodology. The information is compiled into a report and presented to the StraCo, enabling them to evaluate different scenarios and provide concrete directives for the cluster’s development.

The Task Force for the Health and Life Sciences cluster has finalised its landscape analysis in February 2024: read their final report.

The StraCo Organigram del StraCo

ORD Strategy Council
Sounding Boards

Facilitate the StraCo’s decision making by providing expertise from communities of stakeholders

Coordination Group

The operational arm of the ”StraCo”

Task Forces

Support the StraCo on specific workstreams such as the analysis of disciplinary clusters for instance

ORD Strategy Council

Angelika Kalt

Chair of the StraCo Director of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Angelika Kalt was professor of Petrology and Geodynamics at the University of Neuchâtel before becoming Director of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2016. Since taking over the helm at the SNSF, she has focused her efforts on modernising SNSF research funding in line with international trends – promoting cross-border collaboration, encouraging Open Access to publications and data, implementing the recommendations of the DORA Declaration,and facilitating Open Science. She is dedicated to improving conditions for researchers in Switzerland, in particular for young researchers and women.

Full biography

Joël Mesot

Vice-chair of the StraCo President of ETH Zürich

Prof. Joël Mesot, an esteemed physicist with a focus on strongly correlated materials, has been leading as the President of ETH Zurich since January 1, 2019. A graduate of ETH Zurich, his career spans significant roles including a full professorship at ETH Zurich and EPFL-Lausanne, and directorship at the Paul-Scherrer-Institute. His pioneering work on high-temperature superconductors and neutron spectroscopy has been recognized with awards like the Swiss Physical Society’s IBM Prize and the Latsis Prize from ETH Zurich. Mesot’s expertise has also contributed to the development of key research facilities and to the scientific community through his role as Editor of “Neutron News”.

Full Biography

Yves Flückiger

President of the Swiss academies of arts and sciences

Yves Flückiger, President of the Swiss academies of arts and sciences since January 2024, is a distinguished academic with expertise in labor economics, industrial organization, and public finances. He holds a degree in Economics and Sociology and a doctorate in Political Economy from the University of Geneva. Flückiger has an extensive background in research and teaching, having been a research fellow at Harvard and Oxford, and served in various academic positions including Vice-Rector and later Rector of the University of Geneva. He was President of swissuniversities from 2020 to 2023 and President of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) until July 2023.

Full biography

Frédéric Herman

Rector of the University of Lausanne (UNIL)

Prof. Frédéric Herman serves as the Rector of the University of Lausanne (UNIL) since August 1, 2021. An expert on the interplay between climate change and mountain evolution, he navigates the institution through the complexities of the post-Covid era with a focus on human-centric management. Under his leadership, UNIL addresses key societal challenges through research, teaching, and academic engagement, emphasizing health, ecological transition, equality, and science’s societal role. His strategy involves fostering collaborative efforts and maintaining UNIL’s commitment to knowledge-sharing in diverse fields as part of its public-service mandate.

Full biography

Crispino Bergamaschi

Prof. Dr., Dipl. El. Ing. HTL & ETH President of the FHNW

After his apprenticeship as an electrician, Crispino Bergamaschi studied at the polytechnic HTL Brugg-Windisch. He received his MSc in Electrical Engineering and PhD (with honours) in Semiconductor Physics at the ETH Zürich. In 1995 he was elected as Professor of Microelectronics at the HTL Brugg Windisch and, in 1999, appointed Director of Research at the University of Applied Sciences Aargau. From 2001 to 2010 Professor Crispino Bergamaschi was Rector of the School of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences in Lucerne. Since January 2011 Professor Crispino Bergamaschi has been the Rector (President of the Board of Directors) of the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. From 2015 to 2019 Professor Crispino Bergamaschi was president of the chamber of universities of applied sciences and vice president of swissuniversities.

Katharina M. Fromm

Rector of Fribourg/Freiburg University, Switzerland

Katharina M. Fromm was born in Germany and grew up in France, Germany and the USA. She studied chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes des Industries Chimiques (now ECPM) in Strasbourg, France. She received her PhD for work on organometallic compounds at the University of Karlsruhe, where – after her Habilitation at the University of Geneva in 2002 – she established a research group. Soon after, she accepted an SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) research professorship at the University of Basel. In October 2006, she commenced work as a full professor (Chair of Inorganic Chemistry) at the University of Fribourg. The work of her research group is centred on the bioinorganic chemistry of silver, silver compounds and nanoparticles, for example on their antimicrobial effect. A further research area is that of new compounds and nanomaterials for batteries. In the NCCR (National Centre of Competence in Research) “Bioinspired Materials”, the group is investigating polymers with new mechanophores.

Horst Biedermann

Rector of the University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland

Horst Biedermann has been rector of the University of Teacher Education St.Gallen since 2016. Previously, he was Professor of School Education and Director of the Center for Teacher Education at the European University of Flensburg and then Professor of Empirical Educational Sciences at Paris Lodron University Salzburg. He received his PhD and his habilitation in educational psychology and educational sciences at the University of Fribourg. Horst Biedermann’s research focuses on professionalization and ethics of teaching profession, educational processes and genesis in politics and morality, and the pitfalls of digital transformation.

Full biography

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral

President of EPFL, Switzerland

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral has started her role as EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) President as of January 2025. She is of Full Professor in both Materials Science and Engineering and Physics and leads the Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials. Prior to her appointment, she served as the Associate Vice President for Centers and Platforms from 2021 until September 2024. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Barcelona and a PhD in materials science from France. She worked as a postdoc at Caltech before co-founding Aonex Technologies, a startup that developed substrates for LEDs and solar cells. She went on to earn a Habilitation in experimental physics in Munich. Fontcuberta i Morral actively promotes education and supports young scientists and engineers, especially young women pursuing technical careers.

Full biography


Gilles Dubochet

Co-Chair of the CoG Head of Open Science at EPFL

Gérard Bagnoud

Director of UNIRIS, University of Lausanne (UNIL)

Jean-Luc Barras

Co-Chair of the CoG Head of long term research, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Yves Debernardi

Rector’s Office, HEP-Vaud

Madeleine Hamel

Policy Officer CoG Secretariat

Beat Immenhauser

Deputy General Secretary Member of the direction, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social

Rudolf Mumenthaler

Director of the Library, University of Zurich (UZH)

Elena Šimukovič

Head of Research & Infrastructure area, ZHAW library

Sarah Schlunegger

Digitalisation and Open Science, Research Management Office, University of Bern

Christoph Moor

Research and project manager, FHNW

Thomas Henkel

Head of the Coordination Office of the Documentation Centers and Open Science, University of Fribourg

Annika Glauner

Senior Science Policy & Strategy Advisor, Open Science Coordinator, ETH Zurich

Katja Fiechter

Scientific and Policy Officer, Division Higher Education Policy, swissuniversities

Ariane Studer

Co-coordinator of the open science program and vice-director of the higher education policy division, swissuniversities

Distributed secretariat

Madeleine Hamel

Policy Officer CoG Secretariat

Arnold Olympio

Administrative Assistant CoG Secretariat

Sounding Board Researchers

Michael Baudis

Co-chair of the Sounding Board Researchers Bioinformatics, University of Zurich

Dominik Brühwiler

Chemistry, ZHAW

Noah Bubenhofer

Linguistics, University of Zurich

Jean-Paul Calbimonte

Informatics, HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Elena Chestnova

Art History, USI

Silke Fürst

Communication and Media Sciences, University of Zurich

Tobias Hodel

History, University of Bern

Peter Klaver

Psychology, University of Teacher Education in Special Needs

Clemens Lange

Physics, Paul Scherrer Institute

Adriana Marcucci

Engineering, ETH Zurich

Andrea Martani

Medicine, University of Basel

Katerina Mitrokotsa

Informatics, University of St.Gallen

Valerie Pittet

Engineering, University of Lausanne

Dominique Roche

Biology, University of Neuchâtel

Evie Vergauwe

Psychology, University of Geneva

Iolanda Pensa

Co-chair of the Sounding Board Researchers Visual Arts and Art History at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)


Olivia Denk

Coordinator of the Sounding Board Researchers Specialist for Open Science at the Swiss Academies of Arts and Science (A+)

Sounding Board Researchers

Michael Baudis

Co-chair of the Sounding Board Researchers Bioinformatics, University of Zurich

Dominik Brühwiler

Chemistry, ZHAW

Noah Bubenhofer

Linguistics, University of Zurich

Jean-Paul Calbimonte

Informatics, HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Elena Chestnova

Art History, USI

Silke Fürst

Communication and Media Sciences, University of Zurich

Tobias Hodel

History, University of Bern

Peter Klaver

Psychology, University of Teacher Education in Special Needs

Clemens Lange

Physics, Paul Scherrer Institute

Adriana Marcucci

Engineering, ETH Zurich

Andrea Martani

Medicine, University of Basel

Katerina Mitrokotsa

Informatics, University of St.Gallen

Valerie Pittet

Engineering, University of Lausanne

Dominique Roche

Biology, University of Neuchâtel

Evie Vergauwe

Psychology, University of Geneva

Iolanda Pensa

Co-chair of the Sounding Board Researchers Visual Arts and Art History at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)


Olivia Denk

Coordinator of the Sounding Board Researchers Specialist for Open Science at the Swiss Academies of Arts and Science (A+)

Sounding Board Service Providers

Abdel Benhauresch


Christophe Dessimoz

Executive Director of SIB

Chiara Gabella


Rita Gautschy

Director of DaSCH

Thos Geiger

Executive Director of SPHN

Georg Lutz

Director of FORS

Oksana Riba Grognuz

Head of ORD engagement and services, SDSC


Christoph Witzig

Coordinator of the Sounding Board Service Providers SWITCH

Task Force Health and Life Sciences

Antoine Geissbuhler

Chair of the Task Force Dean of the Medicine Faculty, University of Geneva

Tèa Kekelidze

Scientific Advisor of the Task Force

Madeleine Hamel

Support coordinator of the Task Force, CoG Secretariat

Maria Anisimova

Director and Head of Research Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics, ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management

Daniel Stekhoven

Head of Nexus, ETH Zürich

Myriam Tapernoux

Head of Science Department, Swiss Academy of Medical Science

Ioannis Xenarios

Professor of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Lausanne and University of Geneva

Leonhard Held

Professor of Biostatistics, University of Zurich

Stéphanie Wyss

Scientific Officer, Swiss National Science Foundation

Adrien Lawrence

Deputy Secretary General, EPFL

Task Force Social Sciences and Humanities

Béla Kapossy

Chair of the Task Force Professor of History, UNIL, Former director of the College des Humanités, EPFL

Rainer Gabriel

Researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Diversity and Social Integration, ZHAW

Tobias Hodel

Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities, University of Bern

Ben Jann

Professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Bern

Sylvia Jeney

Head of ORD, SNSF

Kurt Schmidheiny

Professor of Economics and Applied Econometrics at the University of Basel

Tabea Lurk

Head of Mediathek at FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel


Rudolf Mumenthaler

Co-coordinator of the Task Force, CoG Member, University of Zürich

Sarah Schlunegger

Co-coordinator of the Task Force, CoG Member, University of Bern